Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Oops! I’ve Had My Hearing Aids in All Day!

Hearing aids in 2017 have gotten so small and so advanced that it’s easy to forget you even have them in after you’ve had them for a while. This is a GOOD THING!

First, there are two very good reasons not take them out.
  • With loss of hearing comes the loss of processing sound. Our ears are designed to send sound signals to our brain. When that’s diminished or stopped all together, the sound processing center of our brain isn’t stimulated properly anymore. Wearing your hearing aids regularly will allow adequate stimulation and maintain our brain’s ability to process sound.
  • The more you wear them, the more natural sound becomes. Hearing loss is a long and gradual process typically over many years. Sometimes it’s so faint, there are certain sounds we didn’t even realize we miss anymore. Once you are fitted for and begin using your new hearing aids, your brain basically has to be “re-trained” on how to hear sounds. This, too, takes time, but the more you keep them in the more natural running water will sound. The more normal hands clapping will be. At first, it may sound excessively loud, but you’re simply adjusting to your new world.

As far as reasons to take them out? Well…besides using loud machinery (i.e. power tools, mower) or being submerged in water (swimming or bathing), you really shouldn’t.

It’s kind of like turning on the lights after you’ve been in a dark room for a while. The light hurts yours eyes at first, but then they slowly adjust until you see clearly. The same can be said for hearing aids. The more you wear them, the more accustomed you will become to hearing all the wonderful sounds this world has to offer. 

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